Xiuzhen (Susan) Cheng
Professor, FIEEE
School of Computer Science and Technology
Shandong University

Email: xzcheng@sdu.edu.cn

No.72, Binhai Ro
Jimo, Qingdao, 266200
Voice: (202) 994-9751
PhD (2002):
Department of Computer Science
and Engineering

University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN

                  Csci 6907 Privacy-Aware Computing: Fall-2015
Csci 6907 Advanced Topics in Wireless Networking: Spring-2012
Csci 4431/6431 Computer Networks: Fall-2011; Fall-2012; Fall-2013; Fall-2014; Fall-2015; Fall-2016
Csci 6461 Computer System Architecture: Fall-2011; Fall-2012
Csci 6547 Wireless and Mobile Security: Spring-2013 || Spring-2014 || Spring-2015
              Research Interests: Privacy-Aware Computing; Wireless and Mobile Security; Fog Computing; Mobile Health and Safety; Cognitive Radio Networking; Algorithm Design and Analysis.
              Selected Publications
              Google Scholar Citations
              My Students
   Conference & Workshops:
              Steering Committee Chair and Founder of the International Conferences on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications (WASA): 2012 || 2013 || 2014 || 2015